Tuesday, September 21

dancing and promises.

I love reading the Ardent Sparrow blog (you might remember Rebecca, she has guest posted here a few times). I always find inspiring images on Rebecca's blog with so many great colors and project ideas. As I was catching up on my blog reading the other day I found another amazing Ardent Sparrow post with a music video. I completely fell in love with the song, it just spoke volumes to me and I've been listening to it over and over again ever since.

My favorite part of the lyrics is 'it was harder than we'd dreamed, but I believe, that's what the promise is for...' because I want to live by that everyday. I hope that I can always see my glass as half full. I know there are going to be tough times, but sometimes I find myself looking forward to those times. My first semester of college was a huge challenge, I've never faced any struggle for such a long time, yet during that time I was so close to God that I literally felt Him there in everyday. It seems like when everything is going good, it's easy to forget what we 'need' and the people that are always there for us when things get bad. It's like a promise. ♥

1 comment:

  1. So glad you like the song! It's played over and over here too!

    I hope you're well... Take care,


Thanks for leaving love for Blueheart!


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